Crockett Family Resort Marina
Day Marina, Outdoor Dining Deck & Shoreline Bulkhead
About This Project
Upcoming project on Houston County Lake – The Crockett Family Resort Marina Replacement Project – Small 48 slip marina on one of the better fishing lakes in East Texas. We will remove the old marina built in the 1980’s and replace it with this new layout. More on this project later – as it will probably grow and be updated design-wise as we work with the customer, the permitting authorities and the lake environment itself. To Be Continued~!
The Final Approved Design for the Crockett Family Resort Marina was permitted 10/19/2020 – construction coming sometime this winter.
This large boathouse will be the second with an upstairs cabin above it. Located northwest of Crockett on a private 68 acre lake, this project will epitomize the quality and design prowess we are well known for now.
Want to build your water bound shoreline dreams out into reality? Shoretech Marine Consulting LLC can help you do it. Then Shoretech Marine Construction can build it for you.
This will be the first boathouse project in 2021. Starting in February it should be completed by late April or early May. After all, there is a LOT of detail in this one… and a LOT of electronics. Will this be the first tube amp system built into a cabin over a boathouse on a private lake in Texas… maybe not. But it will be the next one.
Update 2
The Crockett Family Resort Marina is finally open for business. The grand opening party is April 2nd at about 2pm, with music shortly thereafter. This first celebration is not the larger formal one that will occur later in the month. This one is the owner Ricardo’s BIRTHDAY PARTY~!!! Yeehaw… See ya there.