Erna Love Steel Bulkhead
About This Project
This project started 10/13/2019 and while we were moving materials in and out we discovered an old septic tank with the new CAT backhoe… lovely!
This machine is almost too large for this project, but the other machines are even larger, so we will have to make due. This is a very tight difficult project that has many obstacles in it’s pathway. Not every contractor could even handle something like this… in fact others turned it down. To that we say… stay home little boys… we’ll take it from here!
All joking aside though, there were some days that even I was scratching my head. But we ended up designing a special tool to drive those sheets underneath the boathouse… and it worked like a charm, but it didn’t come to me on the jobsite… it came to be a 4am the night before we tried it.
At the end of a very difficult day I couldn’t sleep… so I was sitting up thinking, how in the heck am I going to reach underneath that roof without taking it down. The TRA would not allow a rebuild because it is a grandfathered in 70’s boathouse that has a second story roof. Touch it, and it comes down and will never be permitted that way again.
So I had no choice. Innovate or ruin my customer’s unusual and “unique for Lake Livingston boathouse design. The idea worked perfectly, even though it caused additional stresses on the compactor’s rubber isolators.
With a little learning and finesse’ it all worked out. This job isn’t for regular “street” contractors, that’s for sure. Still, I’ll be glad when its all over!
Update 11/27/2019 – A hideously difficult project comes to a beautiful end. Thank God~!!! Whew.