Fine Family Pier
About This Project
On a beautiful 18 acre private lake near Huntsville, Texas – We built this cute little single-family recreational pier.
Completed in September 2016 the pier features a nice little sundeck, with a partial angled-metal roof cover, and a side platform for boat and kayak launching & storage.
It also has a wrap-around bench and chairback railing system with swivelneck LED light fixtures underneath, switched at the shoreline.
There is also a double LED floodlight under the flat metal roof, but my opinion is that this one will be rarely used, as the perimeter lighting is more than enough and never gets in your eyes.
These were some of the most difficult manually installed pilings we have ever encountered. The black gumbo clay was so slick that you couldn’t even stand up. It was also very dense.
We used a 100# 2/4-man steel manual piling hammer to bang them in. Fun?…. Not a damn bit~! Satisfying? Um, yeah…. finally.