Jackson/Blesener 380′ Shoreline Timber Bulkhead
Cedar Point, Texas
About This Project
Bryan Garrido’s crew is working on its 3rd bulkhead. Shoretech Marine’s newest foreman is kicking some ass out there in this hundred degree Texas heat driving 300 feet of pilings on a bulkhead and boathouse project in Cedar Point last Friday.
Fresh off of a 170 feet long bulkhead just east of there, they started moving equipment and setting up the jobsite last Monday, by Friday they had most of the piles driven.
More on this one at the end of the week!
A different view of the Dove Island Drive bulkhead for the Blesener and Jackson families on the 4th day of work show how we have upgraded our specifications for timber shoreline bulkheads due to fast-growth timber.
These 12’ piles are on 4 feet centers and will have 10 feet long sheetpiling driven behind the 3×8 full-dimension timber stringers on a new bulkhead with about 4.75’ of exposure from the mudline to the top.
This will leave a strong long-lasting shoreline reinforcement that will last for decades.
Brayan Garrido’s crew is moving along nicely over in Cedar Point on Lake Livingston. The quality of their work and performance is really impressive.
Jackson Blesener 380’ Bulkhead project nears its end. One more day on a very special tie-in wood to steel that we’re going all out to is coming! Brayan, Ely, Jose and Me working to put the finishing touches on. Gotta occasionally step up into the machine to keep my chops going!
Finishing the Jackson/Blesener Bulkhead! Brayan Garrido’s job. Excellent work by him & his crew.