Recent Projects

We’ve built over 250 boathouses in the Trinity River drainage system between Dallas and the coast, and over 600 other projects throughout the southern US in or around Trinity River, San Jacinto River, Lake Livingston, Lake Conroe, Houston County Lake, Lake Palestine, Lake Nacogdoches, and Lake Houston.

So if you live anywhere near Galveston, Seabrook, Baytown, Clear Lake, Trinity, Onalaska, Livingston, Huntsville, Conroe, Houston County, Crockett, or Lufkin, be sure to give us a call!

Deerwood Estates Shoreline Debris Barrier

This US Army Corps of Engineers project will protect thousands of feet of privately owned shoreline from the ever-increasing volume of large tree-trunks and other heavy debris coming down the re-channeled Trinity River in upper Lake Livingston.

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James Ard Bulkhead & Boathouse

This project is neighboring to the Sanchez Boathouse completed last month. This boathouse went up fast once the pilings were completed, which was a task in 9 to 14 feet of water.

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Sanchez Bulkhead & Boathouse Expansion

This deepwater project is the first of three - which features 14' to 16' galvanized steel sheetpiling in 6 to 7.5 feet of water.

The old boathouse is to be lengthened by 12 feet and expanded sideways with a new 12' wide covered deck. The roof was raised by 2 feet which all required driving 28' to 34' pilings in up to 15 feet of water.

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Lake Road Professional Complex

These are building underneath the new commercial contracting business: ConTex Consulting & Design LLC

Posting some progress pics, but we still have two other buildings to build here.

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Kavanagh Bulkhead & Boathouse

On a large 19.6 acre peninsula on Lake Livingston is the beautiful Kavanagh property. We will start installing a new 690 feet long primary bulkhead, 60' long boat ramp and 1,780 sq. ft. boathouse - starting in early May. The backfill excavation will entail excavating a new pond on the property.

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